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Policies & Procedures


Non-graduated adult residents in British Columbia who are Canadian citizens, landed immigrants, permanent residents  or refugees in BC may complete secondary school education to graduation through School District No. 36 Surrey Continuing Education programs*.  All students are required to meet status in Canada and residency requirements. Photo identification must be provided. Residence document must have CURRENT address listed.

*Some students may have a work permit that prohibits study in Canada unless accompanied by a study permit provided by Immigration Canada.  See 

Students may not have complete records, or they may have applicable recent work or post-secondary experience in BC.  An assessment will provide students with their present skill level in one or more of the following areas:  vocabulary, reading comprehension, spelling, writing, math or science.  All test scores are kept in a confidential student file and are used for placement only.

Appointments may be arranged by calling: Queen Elizabeth Continuing Education at 604-581-1413

Course planning should be done prior to the start of a new semester.  School records, report cards or transcripts will assist the assessment teacher in planning a suitable program.

Educational research shows there is a correlation between attendance and student success; the more the student attends the higher the rate of success.  We expect our students to take personal responsibility to attend classes regularly, to be punctual and to show a satisfactory level of performance and rate of progress. Students may lose their seat if they do not attend the first class, or notify the school that they cannot attend the first class.

Student confidentiality will be maintained at all times.  However, students should be aware that if they are not in class, a teacher, administrator or office staff member may call any contact number provided on file. 

Please notify the school if you are going to be absent.

If a student needs to miss school for an extended period of time they must complete a Planned Absence form in the office.  Students should be aware that classroom instruction cannot be duplicated.  Students should also be aware that an entire course may be jeopardized unless the student accepts responsibility to complete missed work.

CE reserves the right to postpone or cancel classes due to low enrollment and reserves the right to limit enrollment where applicable.  Please register early.

Adding or changing a course may be permitted during the first week of classes only subject to seat availability and principal’s approval. 

Students may withdraw or transfer courses from Foundations classes within the first week only.  Academic students may withdraw or transfer on or before the fourth day of a class. Students who leave a class after the cut-off date will have a final mark reported to the Ministry of Education.  Students who wish to withdraw or drop courses need to inform the office in person. 


On registration students pay a non-refundable $20.00 student resource fee which supports student learning. 

International students must have a valid study permit to register for classes and are required to pay a tuition fee of $1,200 per course.

If an international student withdraws within the first two weeks of class a service charge of $100 will apply. No refunds will be given after the second week of class.

A textbook deposit is required for every textbook.  Some courses use a workbook which will be provided to students free of charge.  Students have the option of purchasing a workbook if preferred.  Textbook fees for QE courses can be paid on the first night of class.  

Textbooks and workbooks must be returned undamaged and unmarked for a full refund within 2 weeks of the end of class. Refunds are only available in the current school year.

Full refunds will be issued for cancelled courses.

Fees and deposits are payable by debit, Visa or Mastercard at the time of registration.   Cheques and cash are not accepted.


What is a transcript?
A transcript is the official document that indicates:

  • Successful completion of Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses.
  • Course achievement levels (with the exception of I, F and W).
  • Program participation (e.g. Career Preparation).
  • Whether the student has completed graduation requirements.
  • Honours Standing, if the student has a Grade Point Average (GPA) greater than 3.0 (a better than B average).

When are transcripts sent to students?
The Ministry sends transcripts to all Grade 12 and Adult Education Program students in public schools at the end of July, regardless of graduation status.  Please ensure that we have your current address on file before the end of June.

Schools and post-secondary institutions designated by students on Post-Secondary Institution Choices Forms also receive an official printed or electronic copy.

How do I obtain copies of a transcript or permanent record card?
The way you obtain student records depends on your age:

  • Students who are still in Grade 12 or the Adult Education Program may obtain copies of their transcript from their school.
  • Former students born in 1988 or later should contact the Secondary School they attended and completed course(s).  Former students who were born in 1987 or prior must call the Surrey School District's Records Centre at 604-595-5314.

All requests must include the student's:

  • Full legal name (maiden name if applicable)
  • Birth date
  • Last school registered at
  • Authorization
  • Current contact information

Cost: The service fee is $10.00 for the first official copy; subsequent copies are $5.00 each.  Payment should be in the form of debit, Visa or Mastercard.

All copies are officially certified and sealed.

Transcript responsibilities of the Surrey School District
Even though the Ministry provides a transcript service, schools are the official holders of student records. Copies of Ministry produced transcripts must be maintained for 55 years after a student graduates (or normally would have graduated) as a part of the students' Permanent Record. Schools may issue transcripts upon request, and they have the authority to correct errors and omissions.

The official BC transcript is issued by the BC Ministry of Education.  Unofficial transcripts are available through the school administration office.  Students can order an official transcript at


In case of a fire alarm or emergency event (bomb threat), these procedures are to serve as guidelines:

  1. Every fire alarm signal should be treated as "real" by staff and students.
  2. Students must follow staff directions.
  3. Vacate all classrooms immediately and leave by the designated EXIT.
  4. Familiarize yourself with all exits to the outside of the building.
  5. Await the "all-clear" signal before re-entering the building. 



Cheating occurs when a person deliberately uses another person’s work (intellectual, written, electronic or visual) and presents it as their own with the intent to deceive.  Cheating also occurs when a person allows their work to be used in this way. 

Plagiarism involves using other people’s words, works or ideas without proper acknowledgement. Both plagiarism and cheating are dishonest, unethical and violate the value of learning and the integrity of our school community. Any form of cheating or plagiarism, including assisting others to cheat or plagiarize will be subject to progressive discipline.

To learn more about how to correctly reference another person’s ideas or writing, students can use the following resources:

APA Style:    
MLA Style:
To learn more about evaluating online resources students can visit: http://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/finding-evaluating-web-resources

All students attending a field trip are required to sign a district permission form and/or volunteer driver form. Only registered students can participate in a school field trip.

Using a cell phone or texting during class time is considered disrespectful to the learning environment. 

Smoking is prohibited on all Surrey SD 36 school sites.  (See Page 29 for SD36 Policy 8040-03).

Please take care of your valuables; Continuing Education is not responsible for loss or theft of student's personal items.

Continuing Education is not responsible for vehicle damage on or near school grounds.  Students who drive in an unsafe manner around the school will be referred to the RCMP.

All visitors are required to report to the office upon arrival.  In accordance with district policy, visitors are not allowed on the school premises without prior approval from the principal.

Students may park in designated Student Parking areas only. See school map or website for further information.

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