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Semiahmoo Secondary prides itself on the wide variety of clubs available to all our students. Each year student council hosts a Club Day where students from grades 8-12 can visit club executives, learn about clubs and  sign up to join. Club day takes place at the end of September, but most clubs welcome new members throughout the school year and students can join by simply attending a scheduled meeting. If you want to start a new club, please pick up a registration form from the main office. Club registrations are reviewed and approved by the Principal (clubs are not automatically accepted). 

Club Expectations: 

Clubs are a great way to meet new people, show leadership and school spirit! Remember that your club should have clear organizational structure and plan to have events throughout the entire school year. It is strongly encouraged to develop leaders within your clubs so they can carry on in future school years. A teacher sponsor is mandatory, and they must be involved in your meetings, events and any fundraising. 

 Important things to remember once your club has been approved…

 1. If your club would like to hold an Event or a fundraiser/sale at the school, an Event request form must be completed and approved by the Ms. Malkoske (principal). This form is available at the office.

 2. If your club has an event that they would like to advertise with an announcement, your Sponsor teacher must email the office with the request.

 3. If you would like to post club advertisements or flyers in the school, you must first bring them to the office for approval. Once approved, DO NOT POST or tape approved advertisements and flyers all over the walls, lockers, etc.. There are many bulletin boards located throughout the school. Flyers/posters should only be put on the bulletin boards. 

Information for the clubs offered for the 2024-25 school year will be posted later. 

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