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Policy 5701 - Records and Information Management

The Surrey Board of Education is committed to establishing and maintaining a Records Management Program which will facilitate the retrieval, retention, long-term preservation and destruction of records in accordance with the district’s legal, administrative and operational obligations.
A record is “all recorded information regardless of physical format, which is received, created, deposited, or held by or in any local public body. Records include books, documents, maps, drawing, photographs, letters, vouchers, papers and any other thing on which information is recorded or stored by graphic, electronic, mechanical or other means, but does not include computer programs or any other mechanism that produces records” (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Legislation).
Management is authorized to implement a standardized method of records management through the use of a district-wide Classification System/Retention Schedule. The retention periods will be established in accordance with federal and provincial regulations and approved board policies. The authority for the destruction of records will lie within the Classification System/Retention Schedule.
Records Management Services will provide recommendations and facilitate the storage of all semi-active and inactive district records.
Management is authorized to establish fees for the retrieval and reproduction of records retained in the district.
The secretary-treasurer or designate will be responsible for providing records and information management and liaison throughout the district.


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