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Policy 6802 - Alternate Use of Surplus School Space

Because of changing demographic patterns and declining enrolment in certain areas of the Surrey School District No. 36 (Surrey), some classroom space may from time to time be surplus to school district requirements.
Surplus school space may be divided into two categories: (1) that space that is not required for pupil accommodation in the immediate future, and (2) that space that for as long as it can be determined, will never be required for pupil accommodation.
Subject to the School Act, Regulations or Ministry of Education Policy:
1. Space that falls into the first category should be retained by the board and may be “mothballed”, leased, or used for alternative district purposes as long as the use of the facility, or any alterations made to the facility, does not preclude it being converted back to regular classroom space at minimum expenses.
2. Space that falls into the second category may either be disposed of through sale or leased for alternative use - after public consultation in accordance with School District Policies 6801 and 6512 and School District Regulations 6801.1 and 6512.1
When it has been determined that a facility is to be retained by the district but made available for alternate use, priority consideration will be given in the following order:
1. School district programs of an instructional support nature.
2. Community and Continuing Education, including School District No. 36 (Surrey), Parks and Recreation and Post Secondary programs.
3. Programs run by Provincial or Municipal tax-supported organizations and service institutions, e.g., Libraries, Community Colleges, Health Units.
4. Programs totally funded by the Federal Government.
5. Educational use for pre-school or senior citizen programs.
6. Programs operated by Public bodies, associations or organizations that serve the community on a non-profit basis.
7. Day care or nursery programs.
8. Commercial, industrial or business.
Where a facility is put to alternate uses (1) through (7) the fees/rents charged shall be at least equal to operating costs. Rentals/leases under alternative (8) shall be at least equal to commercial rates.

Revised: 2009-06-25

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