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Procedure 7213.1 - Conflict of Interest - Employees



Employees must avoid engaging in any activity or situation in which there may be a perception that a direct or indirect conflict of interest exists in connection with the performance of that employee’s duties or responsibilities to the district.


Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest may include, but is not limited to the following:
Making hiring or personnel decisions in relation to a spouse, relative or other person with whom an employee has a direct personal relationship.
Receiving payment or compensation for providing teaching, tutoring, counselling or related services outside of school hours where those services are provided to students enrolled at the same school or program where the employee is employed, unless appropriate disclosure and approvals have been received from the district.
Exceptions may be considered in the case of paraprofessionals (inclusive education Assistant, Applied Behaviour Analysis Support Workers, Visual Language Interpreters) who receive compensation for services that support a student’s functional care needs beyond the normal employment situation. Written approval from the district is required, prior to such an arrangement.
Promotion of teaching, tutoring, counselling or related services to students enrolled in the district, where such services are provided by the employee or by any organization in which the employee has a direct or indirect financial interest or by any person to whom the employee is related or with whom he or she has a close personal relationship.
Using confidential information that an employee receives in the course of employment for direct or indirect personal benefit or gain or for other undisclosed ulterior purposes not authorized by or in the interests of the district.
Accepting employment, favours, gifts, commissions, services or other advantages from any individual or organization that sells, purchases or supplies any product or services to or from the district or is otherwise engaged in business dealings with the district, except as authorized by this regulation.
Employees may receive promotional gifts or favours of nominal value from third parties as an accepted courtesy of business relationships, provided that such tokens do not compromise the employee’s objectivity.
Making a personal bid on the sale of any district goods or property, except where disposed of a public auction.
Use of district premise, supplies or equipment for activities not associated with the discharge of the employee’s duties or responsibilities to the district (except where expressly authorized by the district or permissible in applicable district policy).
Holding one’s self out to third parties as being in a position to purchase goods or services on behalf of the district in order to secure a personal benefit or advantage for one’s self, any organization in which the employee has a direct or indirect financial interest or any other person with whom the employee is related to or has a personal relationship with.
A business relationship between the school district and an employee with external business interests. Exceptions may be made where no other source for the required product or service is available. In such cases, approval of the secretary-treasurer or designate is required.



Employees must promptly disclose in writing to their direct management supervisor any material information regarding their involvement in any activity or situation giving rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest.


Use of Confidential Information

Employees who have access to confidential information received as a result of employment with the district must ensure that such information remains confidential and is not divulged to anyone other than individuals authorized to receive such information. Employees may not use such confidential information for personal advantage or for the advantage of any organization in which the employee has a direct or indirect financial interest or any person who is a relative of the employee or with whom the employee has a personal relationship.


Employment Outside of the District

Employees who are engaged in employment or business interests outside of their employment with the district must comply with the following guidelines:
The outside employment or business interest must not interfere with the performance of the employee’s duties to the district, and must take place outside of the employee’s normal or scheduled working hours.
The employee shall not use the district’s time or resources, such as photocopiers, stationary, computers, e-mail, internet, printers, vehicles, cellular phones, or other equipment for the benefit of their employment or business interest.
The employee shall not engage in any outside employment or business interest that is incompatible with the employee’s assigned duties.


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