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Procedure 9615.1 - Student Accidents & Illness at School



When a student is injured, first aid will be provided by a member of the school staff. If medical professionals are available, they should be consulted and asked to assist. (Note that personnel rendering first aid assistance on the Surrey Board of Education’s behalf under these regulations are covered by “Good Samaritan” legislation and the board’s insurance.)
If the accident results in serious injury warranting hospital medical examination or care, an ambulance should be called immediately. The student’s parents or guardians should be advised, or if they are unavailable and no one can be reached at the emergency number provided for the student, the student’s doctor should be advised. Ambulance personnel should also be provided with the name and telephone number of the student’s parents/guardians and doctor.
If required to obtain the necessary emergency services when the student’s parents/guardians cannot be contacted, School District No. 36 (Surrey) will authorize ambulance services to the nearest hospital, and any emergency hospital treatment, for a student injured while attending school or a school event. In all other cases, the service providers will be referred to the student’s parents/guardians.
In cases where an injury requires medical attention, but not hospitalization, the student’s parents/guardians are to be called and asked to pick the student up and take the student to the family doctor. If parents/guardians cannot be contacted, and no one can be reached at the emergency number provided for the student, school personnel are to contact the student’s doctor and arrange for appropriate medical attention.
In cases of minor injury, school personnel will determine whether arrangements should be made to have the student sent home (providing someone is at home or the student’s emergency contact is available), rest in the medical room, or return to class. If the student is kept at school the student should be watched closely until school personnel are satisfied that monitoring is not required.
Parents/guardians should be informed of any accident or illness occurring at school or at a school-sponsored event, in a timely and appropriate manner, commensurate with the seriousness of the injury and/or the need for further monitoring.
In addition, any serious accident or injury to a student, particularly where a potential for medical and/or legal complications exists, is to be reported pursuant to Policy #5815: Risk Management - Incident Reports.
If school personnel have recommendations to make as to how a similar accident might be avoided in the future the recommendations ought to be referred to the school’s health and safety sub-committee and attached to the Incident Report form. The District Health and Safety Committee should be advised of any action(s) taken by school sub-committees as a result of accident/injury prevention recommendations.



As it is often exceedingly difficult for non-medical persons to determine the validity of a student’s claim of illness in many instances, staff will be obliged to use their judgement on behalf of the school district. If the situation is unclear, the student’s claim should be accepted. In any case, the student should be referred to any available medical professionals.
If the illness appears to be of a passing nature, the student should be sent to the medical room or other suitable location to rest until able to return to class. The student should be monitored regularly.
In situations where the illness is more severe, the student’s parents/guardians should be contacted and asked to pick up the student at the school. If parents/guardians, or emergency contact for the student cannot be contacted, staff should endeavour to contact the student’s doctor and decide on an appropriate course of action.
Where a student who has been absent due to illness or known communicable disease is considered by a staff member to have returned to school before recovery is complete, staff should report the situation to the principal. The principal should review the matter with parents, guardians and/or, where appropriate, the medical health officer and endeavour to satisfactorily resolve the matter.

Policy #5206
Reg. #5206.1
Policy #5815
Reg. #5815.1
Policy #9410
Reg. #9410.1
Policy #9615
Policy #10303
Policy #10305
Policy #10310
Reg. #10310.1
Policy #10313
Reg. #10313.1

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