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The Canadian Letters & Images Project

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Login at school/home: No username of password required. 

Please note that the documents presented in this resource have not been edited or censored, and may include text or images that are disturbing or not suitable for a younger audience.

Suitable for: Grades 11 to 12

Brief Description: A digital archive of personal letters, diaries, and photographs from Canadian soldiers from several wars and peacekeeping missions.

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A digital archive of personal letters, diary entries, postcards, and photographs from pre-1914, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and peacekeeping missions in which Canadian Soldiers participated. This archive is digitized and hosted by the History department of Vancouver Island University. The Canadian Letters & Images Project aims to explore the Canadian war experience, and to put a human face to the stories told and lessons taught.

- “Feature Letter of the day” presents a letter that was written on the current date from one of the collections. This is located directly on the homepage.
- are narrowed by individual war or special interest. Click on Menu>Collections to access the main collection page.
- Brief biographical information for each featured soldier is available for context within each collection.
- An advanced search to narrow by collection, document type, keyword, or date is available by clicking “Collection Search”.
- Recorded letters read by Canadian guest readers can be found , or by clicking “Directory of Guest Readers” on the home page.

Teacher’s resources:
- A teacher’s guide developed with the help of the History Education Network is available .

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